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Running a node

The Wine Producers Organization (hereinafter referred to as WPO) is the entity responsible for proposing the business model and, consequently, will be in charge of managing the network. To achieve this, the first step is to set up a kore node representing the WPO, which will allow interaction to configure the rest of the use case.

Below, we will describe the steps to create the WPO node:

  • First, make sure to download the appropriate kore Client image from Dockerhub:

    docker pull koreadmin/kore-http:0.5-leveldb-prometheus
  • Next, we will start the node using the following command:

        "kore": {
            "network": {
                "listen_addresses": [
                "routing": {
                    "boot_nodes": [
    docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 50000:50000 -e KORE_PASSWORD=polopo -e KORE_FILE_PATH=./config.json -v ./config.json:/config.json koreadmin/kore-http:0.5-leveldb-prometheus